2011 Through Photos 1

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  • Forum posts: 17

Dec 26, 2011, 3:26:40 PM via Website

I have this app https://market.android.com/details?id=com.temp.galleryg3#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDIxMiwiY29tLnRlbXAuZ2FsbGVyeWczIl0.

That is a small review of the 2011 with photos. Does someone know some useful webpage where I can find images from 2011 that are interesting and important for that year.

I want to make something chronological list of 2011, I want to print the date , to show the photo and also I am planing to add some text as desctiption for the photo.

Does someone is interested to join me to the development of the app ? or at least to give me links tips or to suggest me what should I add

