Reading data from parse database in textview

  • Replies:1
Abdulmajeed Alroumi
  • Forum posts: 5

Oct 19, 2015, 8:39:49 PM via Website

I am trying this features where a user can create questionnaire send it to another user's inbox and as a user click on the inbox message the data will be presented in another Activity as TextView. In other words, I am trying to input data as edit text in one view, save it in parse and pass to another Activity retrieve that data from Parse database in a text view. So far I was able to do everything but I do not know why it is not working? I am not able to display the data or retrieve it in VoteAnswer Activity. Illustration of code is below:

I have been struggling with this for a week. Please help

VoteActivity below as it was success:

Intent intent = this.getIntent();
mainText = (EditText) findViewById(;
mTextOne = (EditText) findViewById(;
mTextTwo = (EditText) findViewById(;
mTextThree = (EditText) findViewById(;
mButton =(Button) findViewById(;
mButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(View v) {
        postmaintText = mainText.getText().toString();
        posttextOne = mTextOne.getText().toString();
        posttextTwo = mTextTwo.getText().toString();
        posttextThree = mTextThree.getText().toString();
        if (postmaintText.isEmpty() || posttextOne.isEmpty() || posttextTwo.isEmpty()|| posttextThree.isEmpty())
            AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(VoteActivity.this);
            AlertDialog dialog = builder.create();
            final ParseObject post = new ParseObject("Messages");
            post.put("questionare", postmaintText);
            post.put("optionOne", posttextOne);
            post.put("optionTwo", posttextTwo);
            post.put("optionThree", posttextThree);
            post.saveInBackground(new SaveCallback() {
                public void done(ParseException e) {
                if (e==null) {
                // questioner posted successfully
                    Intent intent = new Intent(VoteActivity.this, recipientsActivity.class);
                    vote = new Vote (post.getObjectId(), postmaintText, posttextOne, posttextTwo,posttextThree);
                    String mainTextt = mainText.getText().toString();
                    String optionOnee = mTextOne.getText().toString();
                    String optionTwoo= mTextTwo.getText().toString();
                    String optionThree = mTextThree.getText().toString();
                    // below is the intent where the list of recipents will be displayed for the user, that is where the app crashes
                    intent.putExtra(parseConstants.MAIN_QUESTIONRARE, mainTextt);
                    intent.putExtra(parseConstants.OPTION_ONE, optionOnee);
                    intent.putExtra(parseConstants.OPTION_TWO, optionTwoo);
                    intent.putExtra(parseConstants.OPTION_THREE, optionThree);
                    intent.putExtra(parseConstants.KEY_FILE_TYPE, parseConstants.TYPE_QUESTIONARE);
                    Toast.makeText(getApplication(), "Sent", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
                else {
                    Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Failed to post", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

It directs to recipients and to inbox fragments from there

      else if (messageType.equals(parseConstants.TYPE_QUESTIONARE)) {
  //  AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity());
    Intent intent = new Intent(getActivity(), VoteAnswer.class);

Finally, from inbox it goes to VoteAnswer.Activity here is the part I am not able to display the data into textview

    public class VoteAnswer extends ActionBarActivity {
protected TextView questionare ;
protected TextView mOne ;
protected TextView mTwo ;
protected TextView  mThree ;
private String question;
private String mO;
private String mT;
private String mH;
private List<Vote> mVotes;
String obj;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    questionare = (TextView) findViewById(;
    mOne = (TextView) findViewById(;
    mTwo = (TextView) findViewById(;
    mThree = (TextView) findViewById(;
    Intent i = getIntent();
   // obj = i.getStringExtra("questionare");
 //  getDetails(obj);
   private void getDetails () {
       ParseQuery<ParseObject> query = ParseQuery.getQuery("Messages");
       query.findInBackground( new FindCallback<ParseObject>() {
           public void done(List<ParseObject> objects, ParseException e) {
               if (e==null) {
                  for (int i = 0; i <objects.size(); i ++)
                   //question = objects.toString("questionare");
                   //mO = objects.toString("optionOne");
                  // mT = objects.toString("optionTwo");
                  // mH = objects.toString("optionThree");

Thanks in advance. I would really love some inputs as I have been struggling with this issue for a week. I do not know what I am missing? I read parse documentation but nothing

MLSDev Inc.
  • Forum posts: 7

Nov 4, 2015, 12:52:23 PM via Website

In VoteActivity instead of

intent.putExtra(parseConstants.MAIN_QUESTIONRARE, mainTextt);
intent.putExtra(parseConstants.OPTION_ONE, optionOnee);
intent.putExtra(parseConstants.OPTION_TWO, optionTwoo);
intent.putExtra(parseConstants.OPTION_THREE, optionThree);
intent.putExtra(parseConstants.KEY_FILE_TYPE, parseConstants.TYPE_QUESTIONARE);

you can use

Bundle b = new Bundle();
b.putString(parseConstants.MAIN_QUESTIONRARE, mainTextt);
b.putString(parseConstants.OPTION_ONE, optionOnee);
b.putString(parseConstants.OPTION_TWO, optionTwoo);
b.putString(parseConstants.OPTION_THREE, optionThree);
b.putString(parseConstants.KEY_FILE_TYPE, parseConstants.TYPE_QUESTIONARE);


And in VoteAnswer.Activity you'd better write:

Intent i = getIntent();
final Bundle b = i.getExtras();

if (b != null){
    String mainText = b.getString(parseConstants.MAIN_QUESTIONRARE, "");
    String one = b.getString(parseConstants.OPTION_ONE, "");
   //and so on

   //and so on
