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Jun 19, 2017, 2:00:10 AM via Website

I say Dumb Blonde as I have committed the ultimate IT sin - I did not back up all of my Folders/Files and now they have disappeared from my Desktop!

Below is a brief outline of what happened, and the action(s) I have taken to try and resolve this problem. When you read through you will understand why I have posted this problem in the Android Studio Group.

  1. I downloaded Android Studio to my PC (Sony Vaio - Windows 7 Home Premium)

  2. The following day I decided to uninstall Android Studio as felt that it wasn't really beneficial to me.

  3. Big Mistake!!! I accidentally (and stupidly) checked the third box in the list that appears when you have clicked on the Android Studio Uninstall Icon. When this finished, ALL of my Folders/Files had disappeared from my Desktop!

  4. The one thing that I did not do, however, was Restart my PC following the uninstall and therefore Android Studio still appears to be on my PC system. Following the above catastrophe, I have been putting my Laptop into Hibernate/Sleep Mode to (hopefully) prevent any further damage???

  5. I have Run Unhide.exe, however, no Folders/Files reappeared.

  6. I have also Run Recuva software and, although a majority of the deleted Folders/Files appeared in the list, sadly, approximately 2,500 of these have been damaged/overwritten.

I am absolutely DESPERATE to get all of my Folders/Files back and would greatly appreciate any suggestions or help that anyone can give me.

Thank you in advance.

