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Feb 11, 2018, 4:46:17 AM via Website

It's not an ad nor an affiliated message, but I noticed nobody is talking much about Fairphone here.

I've ordered one 2 years ago, waited 6 month to receive one. The device I received was not working so they had to send me a replacement which took one more month. And now The cover is broken and the microphone not working (at that point you should be convinced that this is not an affiliated message hahaha)

So it's under warranty and they are sending me the bottom module which contains the microphone so I can change it myself. And seriously this is priceless: being able to change the part that is broken while keeping the phone. Ok they are still slow to answer emails but they are a young company and their fair trade model is just great. Keep in mind that rare materials used for our devices is getting rarer on earth.
I was a iPhone user before, and all my devices was getting broken after 2 to 3 years made me sick about the abusive programed obsolescence tactics of Apple.

So that's it, hopping to have some of you guy discover about the FairPhone. Just look it up and see how they try to change the industry.
