Google Fit Sensors / Recording vs History

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Mar 7, 2019, 12:05:02 AM via Website


The requirement is to read the user steps for specific dates. This steps data is saved on our servers, totaled by date.

If the user does not open our app for some days we need to read all the steps since the last access date and in some circumstances read previously read dates (when data has changed or been deleted ror example). We may use the rest api to process requests for daily steps via a nightly cron.

I am fussing between using the sensors and recording api vs the history api.
Does using the sensors api have the advantage that the user need not download the google fit app? or is the google fit app a requirement.

If I use the history api can I re-query dates. STEPS_DELTA states since last access.

Finally can I receive notifications when data has changed?


— modified on Mar 7, 2019, 12:07:28 AM

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