Nooby Noob Here In the UK Looking for Friends

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Feb 24, 2014, 10:30:08 PM via Website


As the title says, I'm looking for new Android friends to be Android friends with, so that we can talk about Android.

I like to develop apps on my own. Maybe (and only maybe), I'm looking to join a team. But first I'd like to be just Android friends since it can get lonely being a solo developer. I've done one app and had just over 50K installs, but not a massive bag of swag. My second app is going to be released in a few weeks time, preferable before I go on my vacation (alone) to learn how to scuba dive (alone).

When I'm not doing things Android, I like to drive around my region. Nothing too sinister, it just helps me clear my dizzy head from time to time. I also enjoy pleasant walks in the country. Traveling is a big thing for me too - do meetups and on my own, depending how I feel at the time. Movies. Reading "book" on my (Android) Kindle. The occasional pint of Theakstons Ale. Just started learning the guitar.

See you out and about.:grin:

Dave Jarratt
  • Forum posts: 15

Feb 27, 2014, 12:31:48 PM via Website

Hey Limey, where are you and why are you feeling a bit downsome today. I will now put totally off me. I'm a 70 year old Non-Geek,orginally a Yorkshire man and now and again damned proud of it. I left Heckmondwike,lets say Leeds as it sounds more of a place that people could find on an Atlas. At present I am in South Africa and have been since 1971,so I've been thro' all that crap about Apartheid and Homelands and the big Mandela bit.
I worked in construction and we built the palaces for the homeland leaders.We built schools till they came out of our ears,and they were built as well as any white school.My brother and family still live in Yorkshire,but for me you can shove it!! I'm not wealthy and I dont get grants from anyone,so life can be a struggle,but the Port Elizabeth beachfront beats Marsden Moor anytime.
I wont say anymore: you just sounded lonely and I thought a chorus of "Ilka Moor baht at" might,if you are such a traveller cheer you up.
I dont really make friends,as who wants to share with and old git like me,but you seemed down and lonely,so I thought a bit of bull from me might just make you feel different. Go well and remember "There'll always be an England"-----but you dont really have to like it.Cheers my man.
