[FREE][APP] Remote Vibrator

  • Replies:0
Ivan Chepurin
  • Forum posts: 3

Mar 3, 2014, 2:35:35 PM via Website

Miss your love? Try remote vibrator to convey your petting through the Internet. Pleasuring your girlfriend or a new virtual friend, even when you are far away from her.

Remote vibrator has two modes:
1. Classic mode - use it for yourself, by selecting from a wide list of possible vibrations (natural, gentle, strong, unusual, and etc) .
2. Remote - the application reacts to tap on the screen and sends them through the Internet, and the second the phone will vibrate to the beat of your exact keystrokes. Alternatively, you can pass the selected vibration from the list.

Remote mode allows you to select a random partner as well as to invite a particular person (it should be in your circles in Google+).

This application follows the rules and does not contain nudity, pornography, etc.

