Learn Shapes In The Wild West [Game]

  • Replies:0
Karl Handley
  • Forum posts: 11

May 6, 2016, 4:19:50 PM via Website

Hi all,

Firstly appreciate any time people spend in looking at this post. A big thank you.


I've just released my first ever Android kids game (for an age group of 2-5 years old) which is free to download and play with two shapes, with a paid version available to unlock six other shapes.

Its set on a ranch where the cowboy will hide shapes and the child must then walk around, trying to find them.
The idea is that the child will learn to recognise shapes as they go along, whilst being "immersed" in the gaming environment.

Can't yet post on links on the forum as a new user, so if you go to the Play Store and search for "learn shapes wild west" it will be the top app - by AnyKey Solutions.

It started as a small project for my 2.5 year old son. He found it interesting and kept asking me to play it. It really helped with learning shapes and, as it was a game, kept him focused. So decided to release publicly.

I'm keen to:
1) Get feedback from the community regarding the game. Does your child learn their shapes? Is it helpful? Does the child find it interesting? etc.
2) If you feel its a good game, then to rate it on the Play Store and leave a little feedback for others to read.

If the responses are generally positive I have plans to release similar games for learning numbers, colours, letters, telling the time etc. If the feedback is generally negative then I need to find a new hobby :-)

Thank you very much for your time,

— modified on May 6, 2016, 4:49:17 PM
