New kid in town

  • Replies:2
Allen Lopour
  • Forum posts: 2

Oct 15, 2010, 7:15:24 AM via Website

Hello all, my name is Allen, I live in Waco, Texas. I bought my first Android phone, a DroidX about a month ago.

I learned computer programming about twenty five years ago in BASIC. Since then I have programmed as a hobby off and on in languages such as Quick Basic, Visual Basic and Just Basic, I also write Excel Macro's at work using Visual Basic. I feel that my programming fundamentals are solid, even thogh I have missed out on a lot of the new programming tools such as JAVA.

I created an account here hoping to get some advice on JAVA programming. I have already downloaded Eclipse and the Android SDK an written a few simple apps and installed them on my DroidX and tested them, they are a little bit more complex than "Hello Android", but I am just scratching the surface. I am eventually hoping to learn how to access a phones GPS in a java app.

It's time for me to show my ignorance now I understand that in Java it is possible import another application into your project and reuse portions of it without having to reinvent the wheel? I realize my question isn't well worded but I hope it is coherent enough to get a meaningfull dialog started, any help will be greatly appreciated and I am sure I will have a ton of followup questions.

Douglas Carter
  • Forum posts: 1,891

Oct 15, 2010, 10:51:06 AM via Website

Hello Allen, I'm glad to hear you are enjoying your Droid X. Welcome to AndroidPIT. We have some developers that drop in fairly frequently who may be able to give you some advice. Have you already looked through the Developer Guide at Android Developers yet? They have some pretty informative info which may be able to answer many of your questions:

Allen Lopour
  • Forum posts: 2

Oct 15, 2010, 2:15:07 PM via Website

Hello Douglas, yes I have been thru the Android Developers Guide, I am certain that most of the answers to my questions are in there somewhere but sometimes it is nice to have a more experienced person help me break it down into smaller pieces that I can wrap my brain around.
