Line I Love coffee error (Screen flickering+Lockup)

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Aug 1, 2013, 7:10:54 PM via Website

Hello, I am a new member. Nice to meet everyone :D I hope this is the right subforum to post this.

Recently, I've just bought a Galaxy Fame S6810. I want to play LINE I love coffee with it.
After Installing and setting up an account, I got into the game by pressing start and the screen would flicker and locks up (as shown in the video) that made the game completely unplayable and that happens all the time. The screen would be completely black when I tried to re-launch the app.

I've uploaded a video on youtube that explains the problem better (sorry if its low res). The video title is "Line I Love coffee error (Screen flickering+Lockup)" (sorry If i cannot post external link) >.<

As you can see, the screen flickers and cannot be changed at all, and the second relaunch is giving me a completely black screen,. But i know the game is still running because of the sound. The music is still playing, and when I do random taps there would be a sound of something being pressed (like a "clink" sound ingame).

If there is anyone experiencing the same problem, and maybe got a solution for it, any help would be very appreciated. Thank you :)
