[FREE] [GAME] Apple Hunt - The apple tree and the slingshot

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May 18, 2014, 4:29:17 AM via Website

Hi All,
We are proud to announce the release of its new game "Apple Hunt".
Download it from play store: h**ps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nilatech.AppleHunt

Newton and Apple Hunt:


The Scene:
• You have an apple tree with 10 ripe apples
• A slingshot, 5 stones and 2 minutes
The Challenge:
• Hit the apples using the slingshot to pick them
• If you miss an apple then the stone is lost
• You have to pick all apples before you run out of stones or run out of time
The Fun:
• Careful not to hit the birds and their nest
• Careful not to hit explosives
• Hit the golden apple and get instant +10
• Hit the hourglass and freeze the timer
The Uniqueness:
• Create your own fun. Design Your own level using a level builder available in h**p://www.nilatech.com/lb/ and import them into your game to play it.
Designed with multiple levels with varying complexity. Create your own levels for unlimited fun.

Reviews and feedbacks appreciated.

  • NilaTech Team
