[MusicPlayer][Free]GeekTunes Lite

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Paul Spark
  • Forum posts: 2

Nov 3, 2014, 9:54:22 AM via Website

Hi. Please check out my simple but unique music player, GeekTunes.

GeekTunes is unique - it has a few large buttons that provide a great way of playing and auditioning tunes while you're driving. No more tiny buttons to find when your hands should be on the steering wheel.

GeekTunes plays:
+ MP3
+ XM/S3M files

Hear a tune you like? Tap the like button and add it to your likes list. Hear a tune you hate? Tap the hate button to skip and never hear it again. GeekTunes is ideal for sorting through MOD files for the good ones and culling the not-so good ones.

Hear a tune from an album you haven't heard in a while during random play and want to hear the rest of the album? Tap the order button and GeekTunes will take care of it for you.

GeekTunes Lite can be downloaded for from at the Google Play Store.

GeekTunes is available for both iOS and Android devices.
