Chalange Your Mind

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Apr 28, 2017, 9:54:36 AM via Website

MindChalange #topThreeAndroidMindChalangingGames

Now a days brain chalanging and puzzle games becoming more popular on adroid plateforms.You can find a lot of games on web which have got a lot of adventure to chalange your brain.Here we listed top three games for you to have fun.

1 Brain Yogurt – Mind Challenge

Brain Yogurt Game is an Android physics and a kind of mind games which is designed to challenge your mind. The motto of the game is very simple i.e. to put the orange box over the truck in the dotted square. It sounds simple but the work of brain to build the road towards that box without letting it fall is difficult as well as interesting.

[play it now][1]

2 Use Your Brain 3D Endless Run

Use Your Brain is a mind challenging game. This endless running game has the purpose to stay on the branch by avoiding the obstacles in order to complete the level till end. The fun part of grandpa run game is that there is no end to the game hence you can surf the time on this addictive game as much as you can.

[play it now][2]

3 Knowledge is Power – Mind Game

Knowledge is power – Mind Game is an informative Android game which is designed to increase your IQ Skills & general knowledge. With the use of this mind game you can build your skills and stand out in any crowd and can win any competition or Quiz.
