How to include all the characters I need in a wordlist using Android Studio

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Jun 26, 2018, 5:54:31 PM via Website

Hi guys!

I'm working using Android Studio on a language pack for AnySoftKeyboard, a keyboard for Android devices. I'm trying to create a wordlist for it, but the words of the source files get cut into pieces every time there is one of these characters: "àèéìòù·" I tried to add these lines of code before the task:

def sardinianCharacters = "abcdefghilmnopqrstuvzjàèìòùéABCDEFGHILMNOPQRSTUVZJÀÈÌÒÙÉ".toCharArray()
def additionalInnerSardinianCharacters = "·\"'".toCharArray()

And after it:

task parseTextInputFiles(type: GenerateWordsListTask) {
inputFiles new File(project.getProjectDir(), "dictionary/Lista.html"),
            new File(project.getProjectDir(), "dictionary/wordlist_sc.txt")
outputWordsListFile new File(project.getProjectDir(), dictionary/wordlist_sc_complete.xml")
wordCharacters = sardinianCharacters
additionalInnerCharacters = additionalInnerSardinianCharacters

But it didnt't work.

I've also tried to change all of the encodings of the source files to UTF-8, but that didn't have any effect as well.

The build.gradle file is on github, in /asereze/LanguagePack/blob/Sardinian/build.gradle (I can't post a direct link because of the spam filter).

What am I doing wrong? How can I solve my problem?

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