Using Places or Maps API for Address forms in App

  • Replies:1
  • Forum posts: 1

Jan 14, 2020, 9:38:08 AM via Website


We're a small start up company involved in a new recycling technology. Our expertise is not in IT. We're using a developer to provide an app for customers. They have advised we need both places and maps Api's so a customer registration form will autocomplete. We understood that we only need the places API for autocompleting the address in the registration form in the app.

Given we are only trying to make sure we don't overspend, can anybody let us know

  1. Can we use Places API solely for a registration form?
  2. Why would we need both maps and Places API's?

We have no map function in the app, and there will be no navigation to locations through our app. We only want to pick up the users address when they try to register with us.

Super grateful for all answers


  • Forum posts: 1

Jan 29, 2020, 12:58:57 PM via Website

Hi There,

I am glad to answer to your question, No it is not necessary to use both Place and Map API to autocomplete a customer registration form.
You can write up the logic to map the location of the customer reason & territory wise. You need to handle it by doing some custom coding for this.

Here is an example for your understanding-
As a customer if I put the Zipcode of any city then code/ logic should automatically fetch the remaining information such as - city , state & country.
Hope this is helpful for you.

Please connect with us at so that our developers can share an easy and simplified demo of it.


— modified on Jan 29, 2020, 1:14:20 PM

James Watson