NewsRob (Google Reader / RSS) / Favoriten anzeigen??

  • Replies:2
Florian P.
  • Forum posts: 53

Jun 25, 2010, 2:48:02 PM via Website

Man kann ja in google als auch in NewsRob selbt, bestimmte Artikel mit einem Stern (="Favorit)
bewerten. In google kann ich mir dann alle markierten Artikel auf einen Blick anzeigen lassen,
aber wie geht das in NewsRob??

Mariano Kamp
  • Forum posts: 1

Jun 26, 2010, 11:19:20 AM via Website

You can see a folder called "my recently starred" on the dashboard. However you will only see the starred articles that are currently on your phone and also if you chose to hide the read articles (using the circular button on the action bar) this will be honored, i.e. you will only see unread, starred articles.

With the Pro version you will also see older starred articles. You can configure how many starred articles you want to keep.
