Problem With OPenCV,Android Based App

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Naga Rameshwar
  • Forum posts: 1

Mar 21, 2013, 8:35:26 AM via Website

i am developing an android based app in OpenCV when i build the code in eclipse i don't get any errors but when i run it it just says "unfortunately ocv t3 add native opencv has stopped" and stops here is what i get in the Log cat. Please help me ASAP because im in need of it in urgent.

03-18 05:06:50.408: E/dalvikvm(1074): Could not find class 'org.opencv.face.Sample3Native$1', referenced from method org.opencv.face.Sample3Native.<init>
03-18 05:06:50.848: E/AndroidRuntime(1074): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
03-18 05:06:50.848: E/AndroidRuntime(1074): java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.opencv.face.Sample3Native$1
03-18 05:06:50.848: E/AndroidRuntime(1074): at org.opencv.face.Sample3Native.<init>(
03-18 05:06:50.848: E/AndroidRuntime(1074): at java.lang.Class.newInstanceImpl(Native Method)
03-18 05:06:50.848: E/AndroidRuntime(1074): at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
03-18 05:06:50.848: E/AndroidRuntime(1074): at
03-18 05:06:50.848: E/AndroidRuntime(1074): at
03-18 05:06:50.848: E/AndroidRuntime(1074): at
03-18 05:06:50.848: E/AndroidRuntime(1074): at$600(
03-18 05:06:50.848: E/AndroidRuntime(1074): at$H.handleMessage(
03-18 05:06:50.848: E/AndroidRuntime(1074): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
03-18 05:06:50.848: E/AndroidRuntime(1074): at android.os.Looper.loop(
03-18 05:06:50.848: E/AndroidRuntime(1074): at
03-18 05:06:50.848: E/AndroidRuntime(1074): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
03-18 05:06:50.848: E/AndroidRuntime(1074): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
03-18 05:06:50.848: E/AndroidRuntime(1074): at$
03-18 05:06:50.848: E/AndroidRuntime(1074): at
03-18 05:06:50.848: E/AndroidRuntime(1074): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)

And hey what are these warnings?
Description Resource Path Location Type
Invalid project path: Include path not found (D:\New Folder\sdk\native\jni\include). MainActivity pathentry Path Entry Problem
Invalid project path: Include path not found (\sources\cxx-stl\gnu-libstdc++\include). MainActivity pathentry Path Entry Problem
Invalid project path: Include path not found (\platforms\android-9\arch-arm\usr\include). MainActivity pathentry Path Entry Problem
I tried to Ignore them Could these be the Problem?? If yes How to Correct them?? Somebody Help me
