Looking for glue for eyelash extensions

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Luiza Filiz
  • Forum posts: 2

Jan 15, 2023, 5:57:47 PM via Website

Hi girls, how do you think I'm a master on eyelash extensions.The key to quality extensions is always a good glue. It must be reliable, tenacious and safe for health.It is the composition of the affect on the appearance of irritation, tearing and redness after the build-up, so it is important to study the list of ingredients before buying glue.I recently did not know where to buy such a tenacious and cool glue.If I have a good glue, I will have a lot of customers. Help with advice!

  • Forum posts: 3

Jan 15, 2023, 9:19:10 PM via Website

you are doing the right thing by taking care of the health of your customers and your reputation as an eyelash extension master. special eyelash extension glue is very easy to buy in a specialized store, and even better to order online, read reviews and chat with other masters on the Internet if you are not sure as your chosen glue. good luck!## Heading ##

Miranda Smith
  • Forum posts: 1

Jan 16, 2023, 12:26:35 AM via Website

I agree with the opinion.I,for example,when choosing glue I always pay attention to the consistency,color and of course the price.I bought transparent online.Transparent glue is better,suitable for natural build-up. I also bought cheap glue here, it was not original, caused allergies. Means for Eyelash Extensions should buy in a trusted store!

— modified on Jan 16, 2023, 12:31:01 AM

Ketrin Zeta
  • Forum posts: 8

Jan 16, 2023, 1:58:27 AM via Website

The world of women is very complicated.What do not do for beauty, I for example, always for the natural eyelashes, I tell you as the master of eyelashes.Frequent prodedures coloring and extensions are very harmful.And all the necessary materials for this need to buy in special places.For lash extension glue stacylash.com/collections/glue is an excellent choice, any consistency and color of glue.For the brunettes and the magnificent extensions use black glue, and colorless is for blondes and for the color extensions and natural effect.
