How to get some debug info from users

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Apr 13, 2011, 7:00:51 PM via Website

I guess all of you who published some application on the android market and received an email from a user saying something is not working correctly got you struggling for debug info from that user. In some cases the user can really assist you and give you lots of useful information, but in other cases, the user is not so technical and it's quite difficult getting some debug info.

I just released a new application that can be very helpful in such cases. It's called "Help Me 2 Help You" and this exactly what it does.
It requires the user to install the app and at a "press of a button"
all the data that you might need is attached to a single email the user can now send to you (including logcat, device info, ROM info etc).

You can read more about this app here:

and download it here:

Hope this helps
