Building a Successful Android Gaming Business

  • Replies:0
Danny D
  • Forum posts: 4

Aug 17, 2011, 7:38:47 PM via Website

there will be labs and companies hiring.

We're hosting an event to teach indie game developers how to succeed in the tough world of Android gaming. Here's your chance to ask a VC questions, learn from your fellow developers, exchange war stories and network!

Hooked Media Group is partnering with the Android Game Developers meetup to bring Gus Tai of Trinity Ventures. Gus will be speaking specifically about ways to attract funding for your games, spark interest of VC’s and how to make build a successful mobile gaming business. All attendees are encouraged to bring their apps and games, share them with peers and generally have a good time in the city!

Feel free to treat this event as a networking opportunity as alumni from Harvard, MIT, Berkeley, Carnegie Mellon, UT Austin, Stanford, Duke, Simon Fraser University, BITS, Pilani and Technion will be present.

Anyone in the SF Bay Area looking to get into the industry or is hiring should stop by!

See you there!
Danny D

Millie Martell
