[BETA TEST] lubajaX

  • Replies:1
Jürgen Lutz
  • Forum posts: 25

Dec 20, 2011, 2:14:18 PM via Website


I have a beta release ready of my first AndEngine game: lubajaX. It would be great, if you could give it a try and give me some feedback.

Is is a puzzle game with 6 different game modes. In the main mode, you have to complete the given pattern in a circle.

Here some screen shots:

It is an ad supported version and features OpenFeint Highscore Lists and Achievements.

It is hosted on my own web page. You can use the following QR Code (remember Settings -> Application Settings and enable Unknown Sources):

Alternative link:

The most important information is, if lubajaX is running on your phone. But I appreciate any other feedback! There are also some free spots on the About screen ;)

Thanks in advance and enjoy playing!


Jürgen Lutz
  • Forum posts: 25

Dec 21, 2011, 8:06:13 AM via Website

I have released the game now on the Android Market.



Would be great if you could test is and give me some feedback!


