andriod recorder

  • Replies:1
  • Forum posts: 2

Jan 27, 2015, 12:10:16 PM via Website


is there apk that record audio from android device not the audio that come from outside of device.i mean recorder apk

i mean apk records perfectly any voice running in devise,not voice come outside(person voice)

my mobile is samsung s4

thanks in advance

  • Forum posts: 2

Jan 27, 2015, 10:03:49 PM via Website

I mean Any Android Apps that can record
internal audio?

Like when I open youtube I want to record the voice from youtube only not my voice

ExplainI have a Nvidia Shield in which I use Shou Video Recording to record my gameplay or what i'm doing(similar to capture cards)

The Issue is that the App doesn't allow direct audio recording from the shield, and the closest thing would be the "Mic option"(which unfortunately records the sound of my button presses as well)

So I was wondering, is there a separate app that can record audio directly from the shield, or any android device?without worrying about any noise from the background? As well as recording from the background of the Android phone? Meaning if I'm playing a game, the app will still be internal audio recording the games sound
