Complicated Messenger Situation :(

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Jun 14, 2020, 1:29:32 PM via Website

I'll keep this brief;
I've been a starting member of a pretty big Facebook messenger group (10-15 members)
I've been kicked for a silly reason and have been added back twice, but always kicked right out again immediately (not really my fault, trust me) :P

Anyways, the problem I'm having is I can only see messages like 2 days back in both cases I was added back. Why don't I see the entire conversation? (note that the group is very active)...
Do I need to be in the group for a certain period of time in order to see the whole history? Can I do anything now that I'm outside the group?

Many thanks for any useful info! :)

— modified on Jun 14, 2020, 1:37:21 PM

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